BREAKING NEWS:”Tax Specialist Admits Error in Mistaking West Ham Boss For Another…Read more

“Left-Wing Tax ‘Expert’ Apologizes for Mistaking Tory Donor for Someone with the Same Name”
Tax researcher and public Labour supporter Dan Neidle has acknowledged making a fundamental mistake—mistaking one person for another with the same name. Yesterday, Neidle claimed on X that David Sullivan, the West Ham boss and Tory , became a Maltese tax resident in 2019. However, it turns out there are two businessmen named David Sullivan, and the West Ham boss was not the one who became a Maltese tax resident. Neidle issued a sincere apology for his “incorrect” post.
It is quite surprising that an individual who claims to be an expert in their field would make such an elementary mistake as misidentifying someone, as this type of error is typically expected from a junior reporter with minimal experience. This incident raises questions about the individual’s level of expertise and competence in their profession.